From the Inbox of your UvA email address, you can send attachments (MS Office and PDF) directly to the printer. These documents are automatically converted to print files.
If you want to send e-mail attachments directly from your private mailbox to a printer, you must first register the email address - from which to send - in the print portal.
Register a new email address
- Go to the UvA print portal
- Click the
- Click [Email addresses].
- Click [Add private email address].
You will receive a message in the mailbox of the specified e-mail address. Confirm by clicking on activation link in the message. If you cannot find the activation link message in your inbox, check your spam folder.
Important: it may take about 15 minutes before your additional email address is activated and you can use it.
Send an email to the Canon printer
- Open your email program.
- Send the mail and attachments to (Note: this is the new mail address!)
- The attachment is automatically processed by the Canon printers.
- Adjust the print settings on the printer's user panel.
- Collect your prints.